A little while back I put up a small tutorial on making a 1×1 text scroller. This tutorial builds on that foundation and becomes a dynamic 4×4 scroller. Why dynamic? I use this term since it builds each 4×4 character as needed, based on a character from a 1×1 font set. I achieve this by using a matrix of 16 character “patterns” that make up all possible 4×4 bit combinations. This is handy in situations where you’re pressed for memory in your intro and can achieve a 4×4 version of the 1×1 font for only an extra 128 bytes in font data.
All posts tagged code
During the transition to the new hosting provider, it seems a number of my old posts (covering some topics like bitmaps and sprites) have disappeared. I still have the images and source code, but the post content is gone forever 🙁
I can still see the opening paragraph using archive.org, but sadly clicking onto the “continue reading” link does not show the content.
I’ll look at recreating them in due course.